Principles Of Sales Promotion Pdf
Principle Of Sales Promotion Slideshare
ADVERTISEMENTS:Purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as displays, demonstration and various non- recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine.” According to A.H.R. Delens: “Sales promotion means any steps that are taken for the purpose of obtaining an increasing sale. Often this term refers specially to selling efforts that are designed to supplement personal selling and advertising and by co-ordination helps them to become more effective.”In the words of Roger A. Strong, “Sales promotion includes all forms of sponsored communication apart from activities associated with personal selling. It, thus includes trade shows and exhibits, combining, sampling, premiums, trade, allowances, sales and dealer incentives, set of packs, consumer education and demonstration activities, rebates, bonus, packs, point of purchase material and direct mail.” Objectives of Sales Promotion:Sales promotion is a vital bridge or a connecting link between personal selling and advertising.Sales promotion activities are undertaken to achieve the following objectives. Mp3 musik new cobra base.