What Caused The Salem Witch Trials Dbq Answers
What caused the Salem Witch Trial Hysteria of 1692? During the summer of 1692, nineteen people were hung and one pressed to death, because they were accused of practicing or aiding the process of witchcraft.
The Salem Witch Trials were started by a preconceived notion that witchcraft was real based on religious texts and ministers, or that being in a wrong place at the wrong time was the doing of witch. In addition, all of the accused were tried with in the sights of four young girls who I believe were faking it to gain attention or political gain for their parents. Puritans, called fundamentalists, followed the Bible to the T and anything outside of the Bible was considered unheard of.

Like the examination of Bridget Bishop at Salem Village, 19 April 1692, as recorded by Samuel Parris, (doc. The whole witch conspiracy abruptly ended in September 22nd, whenever Governor Philip’s wife was accused. Even the Puritan church had finally agreed that things had gotten out of hand and with the help of Cotton Mather and Charles W. Upham, the Salem Witch Trials ended.
However, to those twenty people who the four “afflicted” girls, sent to their deaths were questioned, and in my opinion were falsely accused. As Charles W. Upham had said, “What are we to think of those persons whocontinued the accusations – the “afflicted children” and their associates? They soonbecame intoxicatedby the terrible success of their imposture (acting), and were swept along by the frenzy they had occasioned Once or twice they were caught in their own snare; and nothing but blindness of the bewildered community saved them fromwell – deserved punishment It is dreadful to reflect upon the enormity of their wickedness there can be no doubt that they were great actors.” (doc. During the summer of 1692, nineteen people were hung and one pressed to death, because they were accused of practicing or aiding the process of witchcraft. The Salem Witch Trials were started by a preconceived notion that witchcraft was real based onRelated Documents. Salem Witch Trials DBQThe Salem Witch Trials, of 1692, occurred in Salem Massachusetts.
This is a case where people accused other people of witchcraft. Salem was a town governed by strict Puritan religion, and to have such a charge labeled against you could cost you your life. There were many worldly reasons for the events that happened so many years ago. In this essay, I will explain why I think this tragedy occurred.
One of the reasons why I think this took place was because of social problems.
From the beginning of time there has been conflict between the views of different people and their different groups. Conflict has brought prejudice and fear into communities around the world. As conflict is an inescapable part of any society, it can be expected to extend to the greatest impact possible. The Salem Witch Trials are one such conflict. This conflict caused many to be accused, arrested, and killed. Because of social, economic, religious, and physical problems within the community, Salem Village was present with prejudice and panic causing the Salem Witch Trials.
Witchcraft has been present in many other religions, not only the Puritan religion. Witchcraft was also found in Catholic and Protestant parts of Europe.
The accusations were over by October 1692, and by then less attention was on the accusations (“Witch Madness” 2). But by the time the accusations and hangings were over one-hundred forty-four people were accused and nineteen were hung (Hinds 70).
Some were only accused because they were associated with or related to a supposed witch, like Elizabeth Proctor whose grandmother was a supposed witch (Hinds 40). Or Rebecca Nurse whose mother was accused of witchcraft (Kent 58). They believed in the idea that a supernatural cause, whatever the source, was used to cause them harm (Godbeer 30). People were even rewarded for their fear and panic over the truth and the braveness of the society (Shapiro 2).
Five people died in jail during the trials, including a baby (Hinds 64). One man, Giles Corey, was pressed to death for refusing to admit to being a wizard, after changing his view on his wife’s guilt as a witch (Hinds 43; “Witch Madness” 2).Certain social reasons might have also been the start of the Salem Witch Trials and the accusations. The young girls that started the accusations might have been the beginning to the trials. The girls might have started accusing people because during the winter the Salem Village was completely cut off from Salem Town, the nearest town available (Langley 1). The girls had few things to occupy their time because the Puritans hated free time (Kent 8). The Puritans believed that studying the bible should be done in. 989 Words 4 PagesWhat type of people were involved in the trials?The type of people involved in the trials was the surroundings of the Salem village, puritan religion, but mostly women.
Their belief was sacred to both, god and devil. They believed that women were too weak to fight the devil and lose so they become the devil's servant, which is a witch. Puritans also believed in predestination which is having god already knowing it they go to heaven or hell. No matter what life they had, whether good or bad, they. 1748 Words 7 PagesThe Salem witch trials were a series of different court trials. They occurred after a group of young girls were claimed to be possessed by the devil. These individuals experienced hallucinations.
Some of the suspects explained the attacks as if bugs were crawling under their skin. When the outbreak began to spread, the government proceeded to accuse multiple people in the colony of witchcraft. This is how the Salem witch trials came to be. The trials took place in colonial Massachusetts. 987 Words 4 PagesThe Causes of the Salem Witch TrialsIn 1692 in the quaint Puritan village of Salem Massachusetts, twenty lives were claimed to execution on charges of witchcraft, nineteen by hanging and one man was pressed to death. The causes of these deaths and the Salem Witch Trails can be easier understood when the culture of Puritan Colonial life is examined. The Salem community was rooted in the Puritan religion.

Puritans believed like all Christians, that humanity was guilty of the original sin committed. 1382 Words 6 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials are a big part of history that is still hard to unravel today. These trials occurred in 1692, when a few teenage girls admitted to being possessed with the devil and blamed other local residents with committing Witchcraft (“Salem Witch Trials”). The accusations all started with a young girl named Abigail Williams. She believed that if she blamed other people, she would not be punished for the things she did.
As a result, many other girls followed her lead and named innocent. 994 Words 4 Pagesdevelop the greatest consequence possible. The Salem Witch Trials are an example of such conflict, as they resulted in many people being falsely accused for crimes, arrested, and killed. But what provoked this mass hysteria? Scholars have attempted to answer this question, but the most common idea is that it was due to a variety of economic, social, and physiological problems within the Salem village.In order to understand the cause of the Salem Witch Trials, some background must be given about the event.
1173 Words 5 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials in New England comprised the largest outbreak of witchcraft panic in American history. Historians and scientists have contributed the accusations of witchcraft in the early 1690’s to everything, from disease, religious and political agendas, to harsh weather. It is believed that a better understanding of the cause of the atrocities in Salem, and those like it, may prevent such events from reoccurring. Despite many years of study, however, what caused such panic in New England. 841 Words 4 PagesIn 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, hysteria broke out throughout the town in an event that later became known as the Salem Witch Trials. They were the largest account of witch hangings ever in America, as 20 women and men were put to death for being accused of practicing witchcraft.
Historians have been debating about how these trials were caused. The frenzy in Salem happened because at first, young girls were afraid of punishment and wanted to avoid it so they blamed older women and accused them. 700 Words 3 PagesSalem Witch Trials DBQHow would you feel if your life was ruined just because you were considered unfit for society? This is exactly what was going on during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Prior to the trials, there were witch hunts that caused global unease mainly to Protestant societies. King Philip’s War also contributed to this unease by pushing people from the east coast and into Puritan towns. These towns had misogynistic male leadership, depriving many people of humanity because.

741 Words 3 Pagesarrested in Salem, Massachusetts. All but one of these people were believed to be witches (Background Essay). Prior to the hearing in Salem witch trials were carried out in several different towns. “In 17th century New England witchcraft was a serious crime (Background Essay).” Two girls aged nine and 11, Betty Parris and Abigail Williams, identified a slave name Tituba and two other local women as witches.
What Caused The Salem Witch Trial Hysteria Of 1692 Dbq Answer Key
This led to the accused women being carted off to jail starting the Salem Witch Trials. 750 Words 3 Pagesmost important reason was probably the fanaticism that caused everyone to blame Satan for the witchcraft, which stopped people from looking for other reasons which may have caused the witchcraft. This fanaticism stopped people from looking at other causes of the symptoms, and they didn’t bother to use a scientific or logical perspective because they were obsessed with finding witches. Additionally, because people immediately turned towards Satan for the answer to their problems, they may have used.