Install Pdflib Linux
PDFlib is a free library used for generating and manipulating files in Portable Document Format (PDF). The primiary goal of PDFlib is to create dynamic PDF documents on a Web server OR similar systems and to allow a “save as PDF” capability.The following steps will help you to install PDFlib-lite and PDFlib on a CentOS server OR even on a cPanel and Plesk servers.
To install PDFlib on Centos server, you may follow the guide below,1. Download the PDFlib-Lite package, cd /usr/local/srcwget Extract and go to PDFlib-Lite folder, tar -zxvf PDFlib-Lite-7.0.3. Configure PDFlib-Lite,./configure -prefix=/usr/local4. Create installation file and install it, makemake install5. Once PDFlib-Lite installed, download PDFlib with PECL, pecl download pdflib6.
Install Pdflib Linux File
Extract and enter the folder, tar xvzf pdflib-.tgzcd pdflib-.7. Create configuration file, phpize8. Configure, create configuration file and install PDFlib,./configuremakemake install9. A will be created in your PHP extension folder, check it from PHP info, php -i grep extensiondir10. If it is not exists, add the following line to the php.ini, extension=''.