Activate Serial Ata Raid Devices Ubuntu
Functions of windows explorer. Pushing in a RAM stick is also safer because taking the covers off the system unit risks discharging static electricity through some vital motherboard components.Once you plug in the USB stick, Vista is likely to display a confirmation message in the Navigation Area (Systray). Either go straight to the ReadyBoost tab (see diagram), or else click on the General tab and select 'Speed up my system'. To configure the ReadyBoost settings, open Windows Explorer and select the Flash Drive. Naturally, make sure that the radio button is opposite, 'Use this device'.The extra memory comes at the expense of disk space for storing data files. Thus you need to adjust the slider to trade off memory (system speed) and traditional file storage.ReadyBoost Limitations and RecommendationsThe best ratio of system RAM to flash USB RAM is 1:1.
5.3. Boot ParametersBoot parameters are Linux kernel parameters which are generally usedto make sure that peripherals are dealt with properly. For the mostpart, the kernel can auto-detect information about your peripherals.However, in some cases you'll have to help the kernel a bit.If this is the first time you're booting the system, try the defaultboot parameters (i.e., don't try setting parameters) and see if it workscorrectly. It probably will. If not, you can reboot later and look forany special parameters that inform the system about your hardware.Information on many boot parameters can be found in the, including tips for obscure hardware. Thissection contains only a sketch of the most salient parameters. Somecommon gotchas are included below in.
5.3.1. Boot consoleIf you are booting with a serial console, generally the kernel willautodetect this.If you have a videocard (framebuffer) and a keyboard also attached tothe computer which you wish to boot via serial console, you may haveto pass theconsole= deviceargument to the kernel, where device isyour serial device, which is usually something likettyS0.You may need to specify parameters for the serial port, such as speed andparity, for instance console=ttyS0,9600n8; other typicalspeeds may be 57600 or 115200. Be sure to specify this option after“ -”, so that it is copied into the bootloader configuration forthe installed system (if supported by the installer for the bootloader).In order to ensure the terminal type used by the installer matches yourterminal emulator, the parameterTERM= type can be added.Note that the installer only supports the following terminal types:linux, bterm, ansi,vt102 and dumb. The default forserial console in debian-installer is vt102. If you are using avirtualization tool which does not provide conversion into such terminals typesitself, e.g.
QEMU/KVM, you can start it inside a screensession. That will indeed perform translation into the screenterminal type, which is very close to vt102.DEBIANFRONTEND=noninteractive.DEBIANFRONTEND=text.DEBIANFRONTEND=newt.DEBIANFRONTEND=gtkThe default frontend is DEBIANFRONTEND=newt.DEBIANFRONTEND=text may be preferable forserial console installs.

Some specialized types of install media mayonly offer a limited selection of frontends, but thenewt and text frontendsare available on most default install media.On architectures that support it, the graphical installer usesthe gtk frontend.BOOTDEBUGSetting this boot parameter to 2 will cause the installer's boot processto be verbosely logged. Setting it to 3 makes debug shellsavailable at strategic points in the boot process. (Exit the shells tocontinue the boot process.). BOOTDEBUG=0This is the default.

BOOTDEBUG=1More verbose than usual. BOOTDEBUG=2Lots of debugging information. BOOTDEBUG=3Shells are run at various points in the boot process to allow detaileddebugging. Exit the shell to continue the boot.INSTALLMEDIADEVThe value of the parameter is the path to the device to load theUbuntu installer from. For example,loghost, logportCauses the installer to send log messages to a remote syslog on thespecified host and port as well as to a local file.
If not specified, theport defaults to the standard syslog port 514.lowmemCan be used to force the installer to a lowmem level higher than the onethe installer sets by default based on available memory. Possible valuesare 1 and 2. See also.noshellPrevents the installer from offering interactive shells on tty2 and tty3.Useful for unattended installations where physical security is limited.debian-installer/framebuffer (fb)Some architectures use the kernel framebuffer to offer installation ina number of languages. If framebuffer causes a problem on your systemyou can disable the feature using the parameterfb=false.Problem symptoms are error messages about bterm or bogl, a blank screen,or a freeze within a few minutes after starting the install.debian-installer/theme (theme)A theme determines how the user interface of the installer looks (colors,icons, etc.).
What themes are available differs per frontend. Currentlyboth the newt and gtk frontends only have a “ dark” theme that wasdesigned for visually impaired users. Set the theme by booting withtheme= dark.netcfg/disableautoconfigBy default, the debian-installer automatically probes for network configurationvia IPv6 autoconfiguration and DHCP. If the probe succeeds, you won't have a chance to review andchange the obtained settings. You can get to the manual network setuponly in case the automatic configuration fails.If you have an IPv6 router or a DHCP server on your local network, but want to avoid thembecause e.g.
They give wrong answers, you can use the parameternetcfg/disableautoconfig=true to prevent any automaticconfiguration of the network (neither v4 nor v6) and to enter the information manually.disk-detect/dmraid/enable (dmraid)Set to true to enable support for Serial ATA RAID(also called ATA RAID, BIOS RAID or fake RAID) disks in the installer.Note that this support is currently experimental. Additional informationcan be found on the.preseed/url (url)Specify the url to a preconfiguration file to download and use forautomating the install. See.preseed/file (file)Specify the path to a preconfiguration file to load forautomating the install.

See.preseed/interactiveSet to true to display questions even if they havebeen preseeded. Can be useful for testing or debugging a preconfigurationfile. Debian-installer/language (language), debian-installer/country (country), debian-installer/locale (locale)There are two ways to specify the language, country and locale to use forthe installation and the installed system.The first and easiest is to pass only the parameter locale.Language and country will then be derived from its value. You can for exampleuse locale=deCH to select German as language andSwitzerland as country ( deCH.UTF-8 will be set as defaultlocale for the installed system). Limitation is that not all possiblecombinations of language, country and locale can be achieved this way.The second, more flexible option is to specify languageand country separately.
In this caselocale can optionally be added to specify a specificdefault locale for the installed system. 5.3.4. Passing parameters to kernel modulesIf drivers are compiled into the kernel, you can pass parameters to themas described in the kernel documentation.
However, if drivers are compiledas modules and because kernel modules are loaded a bit differently duringan installation than when booting an installed system, it is not possibleto pass parameters to modules as you would normally do. Instead, you needto use a special syntax recognized by the installer which will then makesure that the parameters are saved in the proper configuration files andwill thus be used when the modules are actually loaded. The parameterswill also be propagated automatically to the configuration for the installedsystem.
Software Raid Ubuntu
5.3.5. Blacklisting kernel modulesSometimes it may be necessary to blacklist a module to prevent it frombeing loaded automatically by the kernel and udev. One reason could be thata particular module causes problems with your hardware. The kernel alsosometimes lists two different drivers for the same device. This can causethe device to not work correctly if the drivers conflict or if the wrongdriver is loaded first.You can blacklist a module using the following syntax:modulename.blacklist=yes.This will cause the module to be blacklisted in/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local both during theinstallation and for the installed system.Note that a module may still be loaded by the installation system itself.You can prevent that from happening by running the installation in expertmode and unselecting the module from the list of modules displayed duringthe hardware detection phases.