Microsoft Word Table Minimum Column Width Google
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Microsoft Word Table Minimum Column Width Google Rating: 8,5/10 5742 votes
Microsoft Word Table Width
The range of cells that I copy and paste into a word becomes a table. I want to know how to reference the word table and resize the row height and column width to fit a given size. Sub RangeImporterDim wrdApp As Word.ApplicationDim rng As RangeSet wrdApp = New Word.ApplicationwrdApp.documents.AddwrdApp.Visible = TrueSet rng = Range('A27', Range('A27').End(xlDown))rng.CopyWith wrdApp.Selection.PasteEnd WithwrdApp.QuitSet wrdApp = NothingEnd SubI am very new to this and have very little background apart from what I have picked up here. Any help/tips/critiques would be much appreciated.Thank you.