Halo Reach Armor Generator
Note: This topic has been unedited for 586 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.— ' never die. They just go to to regroup.' . — Sunday, January 5 2020 (Central Standard Time)UPDATE: Image service is now closed.
All submissions requested before December 16th will be completed, and given to the users. The image service was fun, but it was a bit overwhelming.Thanks for the fun!TehEliteMastorHELP WANTED: Due to time constraints, Halloween day will not be hosting uploads. If anyone would like to help, there are some tutorials on Youtube, to which can tell you how. All files are 101% safe. Please be aware you must configure your USB and Rehash and resign in Modio, or you'll get the 'Corrupted profile'.
Need a USB with at least 7 to 8 gigs. To upload, go get your profiles ready in Custom games, and then after you have all of them done in custom games, go to theater lobby, sign out, and without exiting the Xbox Guide, sign into live. 0% chance of ban. Then in your temp history, the screens should be there. Anyways, if you want to do it again, restart your Xbox, and sign into the modded account without going onto Reach, or the rank cap will set in, but if it does, do a reboot. If you have any trouble ask, and when getting your screenshots to HF from Bnet, make sure to mark 'Save as high-res', so we don't have tiny shots.
If you need help, message me, and if you will help, sign your name under the Helpers section. Okay, I'll drop a message right here to spare EM117. He has made a brave second attempt to serve the community with providing Reach screenshots, but it looks as if no single person could always put in the time for so many people. Especially when these pics are so in demand.
Halo Reach Armor Generator No Download
So I have a plan for y'all.If your Spartan is male (or if you don't mind your female Spartans wearing male armour), then the (or as we like to call it, the VAG) will suit your needs. This software is fairly new, and is still in its 1.0 stage. The knack discography. It was very well made considering how many possibilities there were for the armour, and currently, version 1.2 is underway. So there are some restrictions that I'm certain will be fixed up in the future as the developers continue work on it. Just note that the VAG cannot create the following:.
Elite models. Female Spartan models. Helmet attachments (the helmets themselves are all there). Different weapons (you always hold a DMR). EmblemsThere are two notable issues with the program that were probably minor oversights.
Some listed ranks are wrong. Visor colouring is mediocreAdvantages:. Spartans hold single positions, so you could mix and match up the armour pieces and/or colouring, if you have a decent image editor (See ). Nice background, if you don't mind having the word 'Vanity' stuck on the top right side of the pic. Again, you can edit it out with either a clone tool, or make the background altogether transparent. Saves time, so you can make all your screenshots at your computer with a few clicks of the mouse, instead of firing up your 360, taking the proper picture in Theatre, uploading to Bungie.net, before sending it here.Good luck, and have fun!
Halo 5 Spartan Generator
If you need help with the VAG, you can ask me, or Subtank (she's better at using it than I am). I'll be seeing your Spartans looking nice and epic on their shiny articles:)—Sona 'Demal. Contents Helpers RequestsIf you could make two different pictures, each using the different shoulders noted, that would be awesome.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Emblem Generator by ExO DeltaThe Halo Master Chief Collection Emblem Generator from ExO Delta is a simple system that produces a Halo emblem based on the same foreground and background emblems provided in the game. The system also provides how the foreground emblems can be unlocked or how the emblems were provided.Since there is no toggle, if you want to hide the primary or secondary Foreground Emblem, select Transparent as the color.
If you want to hide the Background Emblem, select Transparent as the color.In the Foreground Emblem listing,. indicates an unlockable emblem.