Essential Php Security
Of late, there have been numerous instances of attacks onPHP applications because of the use of insecure code. This iswhere Essential PHP Security comes in.Using simple language, the book comes to the point directlywithout wasting your time and obscuring details. It is prettyevident to the reader on what applies to him and what does not.There are code examples to explain how attacks can be carriedout and how to protect against them.It is a recommended read for developers starting in PHP programming. Palisade Security Team.
Essential Php Security Pdf
An alternative to using regular expressions to check for email address validity is to use the function filtervar:filtervar(“”, FILTERVALIDATEEMAIL)The following manual entry contains a list of valid filters that work with the above methodWhilst filtervar internally uses a regular expression match of it’s own, it’s does unfortunately execute slower than using the pregmatch function. My own tests show it runs about 10 times slower.So if you’re unfamiliar with regular expressions, then it might be a good idea to use filtervar if you are stuck. Otherwise, pregmatch is a faster solution.