Ds4700 Serial Port
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Ps/2 Port
Do not use a plus or minus sign with a tag, e.g., +tag1. Hello,I've a DS4700 Storage Enclosure with two controller and 16 Disks (1814-72H). On the Cabinet I found the Serial Number as 13xx4R9. But No where in the Support Data I'm finding this serial number. I've generated All Support Data. Can anyone help me to identify the File where I can find exactly this Enclosure Sr Number.I checked the Enclosure Information.
Ds4700 Serial Port Orange
But it's not matching the Serial Number. Here is the Enclosure details below.Controller/Drive Enclosure Overall Component Information Enclosure audible alarm: DisabledEnclosure path redundancy: OKCurrent drive types: Fibre channelSerial ATA (SATA)Part number: PN 4xxxx14Serial number: SN SG8xxxx426Vendor: VN IBMDate of manufacture: September 1, 2008.