Commandos Game For For Pc
To get easy promotions, while playing type '1982gonzo' to enable cheatmode. Then press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and push N. The missioncomplete screen will appear. Press 'P' to replay the mission and repeat thecode as often as you like to get lots of merit.Swim underground This is a very interesting glitch, and somewhat useful. Use the marine toput on suba gear. Then use the teleport code listed below to teleport toland. He will still be swimming.
Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Windows 10
No one notices and and you can swim as far asyou could in the river. While playing, click on a member of your team, then move the pointer to the location where you wish to teleport and press Shift-X.God Mode While playing, type '1982gonzo' to enable cheat mode, then press Ctrl-I for invincibility.Moving Barrels Without Tiny It is possible to move barrels without the use of Tiny. Simply line up the barrel between your commando and the spot you want it, then click on it repeatedly to keep the motion going. It may take a little practice but is nice once you are good at it.