Caltech Engineering Management Program
Option Representative — Materials ScienceKatherine Faberktfaber caltech.eduOption Representative — Applied PhysicsAndrei Faraonfaraon caltech.eduOptions ManagerJennifer N. Blankenshipjennifer caltech.eduAdmission to these graduate programs is competitive and decided by separate Applied Physics and Materials Science admissions committees that review all applications. The admission process takes place once each year for enrollment during the fall. Applicants must submit applications by the December 15 deadline and are responsible for ensuring that all associated credentials are submitted by the deadline.
Applications will not be reviewed until all credentials and official copies of test scores have been received.Upon reviewing an application, the admissions committee of the option to which it has been submitted may recommend that it also be reviewed by another option which is deemed more suitable. If your application is referred to another option, you will not be charged additional fees nor be asked to submit a duplicate application.The Ph.D.
Program begins with a year or two of coursework with simultaneous initial research activity, followed by a candidacy examination, and then typically three or four years of concentrated research culminating in writing a Ph.D. Thesis and presenting the results of this thesis orally at a final examination.
To learn more, see.Application RequirementsApplicants must have completed a bachelor's degree or the equivalent before beginning graduate study. Applicants who already possess a Ph.D. Degree will generally not be considered for a second Ph.D.
Caltech Engineering Management Program Examples
Transcripts, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and the applicant's statement of purpose are all required components of the application and are carefully weighed during the evaluation process.
Caltech Engineering Management Program Online
Environmental Science and Engineering Aims and Scope of the Graduate ProgramThe ESE graduate program trains doctoral students to solve fundamental problems in environmental science and engineering. The problems cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries and span space scales ranging from global to local. Students are trained to acquire a broad base of knowledge of environmental systems, including the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere.

They deepen their knowledge in one or more focus areas, culminating in research leading to a Ph.D. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of research in the ESE program, the program unites faculty from the Divisions of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Engineering and Applied Science, and Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Graduate Option RepChristian Frankenbergcfranken caltech.eduOptions ManagerJulie Leejlee gps.caltech.eduAdmissionApplicants for admission to the ESE program should have undergraduate preparation in science, engineering, or mathematics.
Admission is limited to students intending to pursue the Ph.D. All applicants are required to submit scores for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test.
Applicants from non-English-speaking nations are additionally required to submit results for the Test of English As a Foreign Language (TOEFL).Information on how to apply is available from the.The deadline for applications is January 1. AdvisingAn academic adviser is appointed for each incoming student to assist in designing his or her academic program. The research adviser is chosen by mutual agreement of the student and adviser during the second year of graduate study, after passing the Ph.D. Qualifying examination. The thesis advisory committee (TAC), consisting of four Caltech faculty members including the research adviser, should be constituted and meet with the student soon after the student passes the qualifying examination; thereafter, it should meet with the student annually to review progress and provide guidance and support. Committee membership may be changed if the student’s research interests change. The TAC generally serves to approve the student’s advancement to candidacy; it may also serve as the examining committee for the final thesis defense.
Master’s DegreeStudents enrolled in the Ph.D. Program may be awarded a master’s degree if they have satisfied the Institute requirement of 135 units of work in courses numbered 100 or higher. These courses must satisfy the course requirements of the ESE Ph.D. Degree of Doctor of PhilosophyFor the Ph.D. Degree, a student must (1) satisfy the course requirements, (2) pass the qualifying examination, (3) advance to candidacy, and (4) complete a thesis and successfully defend it in a final oral examination. Course RequirementsDuring their first year, students, in consultation with their academic advisers, must design a program of graduate study that includes a minimum of 135 units of graduate work to be completed before the end of the third year.
The course program should take into account the students’ individual backgrounds and focus areas, educate them broadly in fundamental questions and methods of contemporary environmental science and engineering, and prepare them for their research.The course program must include the core courses ESE 101, 102 and 103. Attendance at the weekly research seminars (ESE 104 and ESE 110abc) is required for first-year students and is expected of all graduate students.

All students are expected to have knowledge of methods of applied mathematics and statistics on the level of courses such as Ge 108 and ACM/ESE 118.