C Programming Language, Currency Converter Program Code
In this tutorial we will create a Simple Currency Converter using PHP. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. Using PHP, you can let your user directly interact with the script and easily to learned its syntax. It is mostly used by a newly coders for its user friendly environment. So Let's do the coding.
Getting started:First you have to download & install XAMPP or any local server that run PHP scripts. In my case I used XAMPP as my local server, here's the link for XAMPP server. The Main FunctionThis code contains the main function of the application, This code will try to convert the input digit then convert it based on the currency that use. To create this just write these block of code in the text editor, then name this file as convert.php. Filtered HTML. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.

Visual Basic Currency Converter Code

You may insert videos with video:URL. Allowed HTML tags: video. You can enable syntax highlighting of source code with the following tags:,.
The supported tag styles are:, foo. Lines and paragraphs break automatically.